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Active exchangers

1. List of terms

1.1. «Testimonial» — is a text message the essence of which is user’s expression of gratefulness to a certain exchanger, which services he has taken advantage of or has the experience of cooperation with it or its owner.

1.2. «Comment» — is a text message the essence of which is user’s expression of discontent to a certain exchanger, if its services have not been provided properly or the activity of the exchanger is not correct in relation to other exchangers.

1.3. «Complaint» — is a text message the essence of which is user’s expression of discontent to a certain exchanger in case the exchanger has not fulfilled its obligations related to the exchange operation (exchange is not completed).

1.4. «Revoked complaint» — is a Complaint according to which the exchanger has fulfilled its obligations, and the user having filed it has no more Complaints to the exchanger the Complaint had been addressed to.

2. Publication of Testimonial, Comments and Complaints

2.1. Along with the message the user has to specify their real e-mail address for which the access code needed for current and new Testimonials, Comments and Complaints activation and management will be created later. Your specified e-mail will not be published anywhere and no one will be able to see it. Also notifications about new events connected with your posted Testimonials, Comments and Complaints will be sent to it.

2.2. After posting a Testimonial, Comment or Complaint they should be activated, then they will appear on the site and become visible to all its visitors.

2.3. All the Testimonials, Comments and Complaints are posted on the site as they are, without any changes or restrictions. If a Testimonial, Comment or Complaint does not correspond to the rules they can be removed.

3. Removal of Testimonial, Comments and Complaints

3.1. Testimonials, Comments and Complaints can be removed if they are subject to one of the following points:

3.1.1. The text of the message contains filthy language, advertising content, mentions of religion and/or politics, insults, information humiliating honor and dignity of a man, calls for military action or separatism, racism, class hatred, appeals and/or information on the use of alcohol, smoking, taking drugs, pharmaceutical products, the names of legal entities, trademarks, names of world-famous personalities (public figures, actors, artists, writers, businessmen, politicians, clergy and so on).

3.1.2. The event described in the message text has never occurred.

3.1.3. The information in the message text does not correspond to the essence of the Testimonial, Comment or Complaint, or is not sufficient.

3.1.4. Testimonial, Comment or Complaint has been filed by the user in order to get financial or any other benefit at the same time making positive or negative impression of an exchanger or its owner.

3.1.5. If the user has posted a Testimonial of the similar content about this site earlier.

3.1.6. If the whole message or its major part is written with the use of UPPERCASE CHARACTERS (large letters).

4. Complaints

4.1. Filing a Complaint, the user must necessarily specify some data about the exchange that has not been completed in a form input field specially-designed for it. This information will be accessible only to the exchanger and no one except the latter will be able to see it. This information is not recommended to specify in a message text as it is unsafe.

4.2. If the exchanger has fulfilled its obligations the Complaint can be revoked.

4.3. The Complaint can be revoked only by its author.

4.4. The Complaint can be revoked automatically if during 72 hours since the last answer of the exchanger has been posted the user did not respond.

4.5. The Complaint can be revoked if its author has left similar Complaints on other Internet resources and, on one of them, it was revoked.

5. Responses

5.1. The ability to post responses to Testimonials, Comments or Complaints is possessed only by the author and the exchanger they are related to.

5.2. In order to post a response to the Testimonial, Comment or Complaint the author needs an access code which must have been received when the first Testimonial, Comment or Complaint was posted.