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Exchange rates of Litecoin to Raiffeisen bank UAH

In the table you can find suitable offers regarding the exchange of Litecoin for Raiffeisen bank UAH. If you need to make an exchange as profitable as possible, look at the lines at the very beginning. Information about the table.

Rates updated: today at 12:34 pm

Exchanger Litecoin Raiffeisen bank Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
Cryptofiat Finance 1.0000 1.7736 1225.8656 2819.0818 4999.9235 3455815.4022 3455815 71.5 1/0/0
PocketBank 1.0000 1.7878 71.5117 2796.7437 5000.0184 199999.8965 979902236 0/0/0
WmBox 1.0000 7.1648 537.3665 2791.3906 19999.7554 1499999.7969 3567010 0.8 2/0/0
100BTC 1.0000 0.8830 132.4433 2790.6990 2464.1872 369609.3849 758000 0/0/0
Moneyroll 1.0000 3.5885 125.5976 2786.6783 9999.9951 350000.1065 9624391 0/0/0
1WM 1.0000 3.5998 179.9933 2777.8803 9999.8135 499999.8422 175401454 2167.9 2/1/0
ObmenoFF 1.0000 7.2144 496.7490 2772.2233 19999.9278 1377099.1521 11175022 0/1/0
Obmen Money 1.0000 3.6479 155.3089 2768.6750 10099.8495 429999.8687 122322943 2/0/0
Шахта 1.0000 3.0000 180.6741 2767.4123 8302.2369 232468 7.1 27/0/3/1
7Pay 1.0000 2.9900 2762.6700 8260.3833 1900000 0/0/0
Exchange For Me 1.0000 0.9080 108.9711 2753.0231 2499.7450 299999.9555 1913841 8/0/1
E-Privat Info 1.0000 2748.9734 183705 104.6 23/1/2
eBTC 1.0000 0.3652 21.9114 2738.2906 1000.0237 59999.7807 612236 0/0/0
Exobmin 1.0000 0.5000 1831.5126 2729.9839 1364.9920 2440320 0/0/0
Турбина 1.0000 3.6894 194.6275 2710.4029 9999.7605 527518.9404 24200000 174.5 0/0/1
Cryptos 1.0000 1.6000 2694.5393 4311.2629 420712 0/0/0
KZ007 1.0000 3.8822 143.0256 2684.8326 10423.0571 383999.7935 13978563 232.5 0/0/0
CryptoBox 1.0000 4.4646 2634.0263 11759.8738 3444570 182.0 0/0/1
MasterChange 1.0000 4.2255 2634.0263 11130.0781 9331767 6/0/1
Bit-Exchanger 1.0000 4.7891 2631.0014 12600.1288 3913336 713.9 3/1/0
Fury-exchange 1.0000 1.0000 80.0000 2594.9963 2594.9963 207599.7040 1961636 30.8 0/0/0
BitcoinObmennik 1.0000 0.2134 194.0378 2576.8173 549.8928 499999.9599 900016923 0/0/0
LEOexchanger 1.0000 0.7825 9.5862 2555.7700 1999.8900 24500.1224 200000 993.9 2/1/1

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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Information on finding a suitable exchanger

Swapping Litecoin for Raiffeisen bank UAH is easy on its own. The main thing is to find a suitable site with a rate that suits you perfectly. Here are some tips to help you navigate the table:

  1. It is very important to begin with determining the rate. Choose from the offered the most profitable option. You can see the rates in the columns "Litecoin" and "Raiffeisen bank".
  2. The column titled "Reserve" contains information about whether the exchanger has enough funds Raiffeisen bank UAH to complete the operation.
  3. Column "Comments" will help you finally decide on the exchanger. There are all claims, complaints, and customer thanks. To find out more, you can go to the site itself and read reviews there.
  4. Another important point: choose the point where the exchange is carried out automatically or in manual mode. Manual is marked with a special icon next to the name. The absence of an icon will say that in front of you is a site that performs operations automatically. If you want to speed up the process, choose the latter. But sometimes the process is actually the same in time, regardless of the choice of the mode.

The search shouldn't take too long. Use the instructions, select the exchanger that suits your needs. As soon as you choose an exchanger that suits all points, go to the site itself and start performing the operations you need.

Additional Information

There may be a delay in manual mode – find out what hours the operator is working to get your money on time.

There are also exchanges that transfer Litecoin to Raiffeisen bank UAH, and this is registered as a finance withdrawal procedure.

Go through a quick registration on the exchanger you like in order to subsequently enjoy all its advantages and bonuses. Next you will enter the site already under his nickname, and you will accumulate discounts, which is very beneficial.

Some exchanges charge a minimum commission – keep this in mind.

In the table you will find all the information you need to help you navigate the exchangers, figure out which one is most suitable. The table makes it possible to save time and quickly find exchangers.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.