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Exchange rates of Litecoin to Visa/MasterCard AZN

To find and select a suitable exchanger for transferring from Litecoin to Visa/MasterCard AZN, you can go to the table and see all the options of exchangers. Those that are currently considered the most profitable are located as close to the top as possible. Read the table description.

Rates updated: today at 08:29 pm

Exchanger Litecoin Visa/MasterCard Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
ObmenoFF 1.0000 3.0155 377.1236 225.4963 679.9841 85039.9764 870200.87 0/1/0
Satoshi 1.0000 2.5282 4363.4153 225.4525 569.9890 983742.8879 983743 9.0 0/0/0
Exchange For Me 1.0000 0.2222 2222.3564 224.9864 49.9920 499999.9660 3191466.96 8/0/1
EExchanger 1.0000 0.8891 44.4584 224.9292 199.9846 9999.9923 9391089.15 134.4 15/0/2
Obmen Money 1.0000 1.4700 1514.5607 224.4875 329.9966 339999.9451 5540424.33 2/0/0
Турбина 1.0000 700.0000 1242.1925 224.4112 157087.8400 278761.9096 8200000 174.4 0/0/1
KZ007 1.0000 2.9021 1456.9634 224.0275 650.1502 326399.8681 41683685 232.5 0/0/0
Receive-Money 1.0000 220.8132 10000000 1659.1 8/2/1
Cash2pay 1.0000 0.1000 22.9700 217.6000 21.7600 1537.18 0/0/0
Coins Black 1.0000 1.4853 45.0000 209.6348 311.3706 9433.5660 64758 49.6 0/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 1.0000 0.0724 70000.0000 206.9318 14.9819 13803.37 582.8 7/0/2
GramBit 1.0000 4.5065 1000000.0000 202.6641 913.3058 3230000 2/0/0
Cash-Bit 1.0000 0.0900 9999999999.0000 178.5952 16.0736 75611 0.0 0/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

Information on finding a suitable exchanger

Use the tips and instructions below on how to choose the right site for output, what to look for when converting Litecoin to Visa/MasterCard AZN.

  1. Columns "Litecoin" and "Visa/MasterCard" show the current exchange rate; as soon as everything suits you, move on – to a new point, that is, to another line.
  2. Column "Reserve" will show if there is Visa/MasterCard AZN available in order to successfully make the exchange in the amount that you need.
  3. Item "Comments" is no less important: it will reveal the truth about the exchanger; users express their opinion on the exchange, make claims, report problems or, conversely, praise.
  4. The icon next to the name of the exchanger will give you an idea of the mode of transactions. Its presence will tell you that the site is working in manual mode. No – in automatic. The latter is considered faster, but sometimes the time difference is very minimal.

The search shouldn't take too long. Use the instructions, select the exchanger that suits your needs. As soon as you choose an exchanger that suits all points, go to the site itself and start performing the operations you need.

Important tips

The nuances of the manual mode. If you liked the exchanger that makes withdrawals manually, then be sure to find out how the operators work, their working hours. And then you don't have to wait too long for the transaction to complete.

There are also exchanges that transfer Litecoin to Visa/MasterCard AZN, and this is registered as a finance withdrawal procedure.

Go through a quick registration on the exchanger you like in order to subsequently enjoy all its advantages and bonuses. Next you will enter the site already under his nickname, and you will accumulate discounts, which is very beneficial.

It is common practice to withhold a commission when transferring one currency to another. Many exchangers charge a small percentage for the provision of the service.

Read more about the description of the table, learn how to correctly understand the information written there. This will make it possible to effectively search and find exchange sites, the parameters of which suit you.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.