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Exchange rates of Polygon to Visa/MasterCard MDL

The table contains important information regarding the conversion rate of Polygon to Visa/MasterCard MDL. There you will find all the exchangers that are currently operating. The best deals are at the top. How to use the table – find out more.

Rates updated: today at 10:23 am

Exchanger Polygon Visa/MasterCard Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
Турбина 1.0000 666.7091 200000.0000 5.4746 3649.9656 1094920.0000 16498000 162.9 0/0/1
KZ007 1.0000 722.9341 3865.9579 5.1733 3739.9550 19999.7600 820240 232.5 0/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

How to choose an exchanger

Swapping Polygon for Visa/MasterCard MDL is easy on its own. The main thing is to find a suitable site with a rate that suits you perfectly. Here are some tips to help you navigate the table:

  1. Columns "Polygon" and "Visa/MasterCard" show the current exchange rate; as soon as everything suits you, move on – to a new point, that is, to another line.
  2. Column "Reserve" will show if there is Visa/MasterCard MDL available in order to successfully make the exchange in the amount that you need.
  3. Item "Comments" is no less important: it will reveal the truth about the exchanger; users express their opinion on the exchange, make claims, report problems or, conversely, praise.
  4. If you want to receive money as soon as possible, opt for an exchange that transfers funds automatically. There is also a manual mode – you will know about it by the icon located near the name of the exchanger. The difference in time during translation can be large, or it can be quite insignificant, so it is difficult to guess here. Choose what suits you best.

The search shouldn't take too long. Use the instructions, select the exchanger that suits your needs. As soon as you choose an exchanger that suits all points, go to the site itself and start performing the operations you need.

Additional Information

There may be a delay in manual mode – find out what hours the operator is working to get your money on time.

There are also exchanges that transfer Polygon to Visa/MasterCard MDL, and this is registered as a finance withdrawal procedure.

Do you want to receive regular discounts? Choose an point and register in it before starting certain procedures. This will help you get a discount, after which it will grow, and your other transfers of funds will become more profitable for you. You can fix a password, login in the browser, so that later the site will recognize you.

The transfer fee. Many exchangers charge additional funds for the procedure, pay attention to this.

Carefully read everything in the table so as not to be mistaken when choosing an exchanger. The description of the table gives you comprehensive information on how you can quickly select an exchanger.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.