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Exchange rates of RNC bank to Ripple

To find and select a suitable exchanger for transferring from RNC bank to Ripple, you can go to the table and see all the options of exchangers. Those that are currently considered the most profitable are located as close to the top as possible. Decoding data values in table columns.

Rates updated: today at 05:29 pm

Exchanger RNC bank Ripple Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
Coindrop 51.7934 40000.0000 500000.0000 1.0000 772.2992 9653.7397 40000.0000 0/0/0
Fast Change 53.6419 1.0000 1119815.4518 1435.3 10/0/0
Coinstart 59.0270 1000.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 16.9414 5082.4199 84621.5889 2.1 0/0/0
Crypto-Store 59.3000 1500.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 25.2951 5059.0219 928894.7508 17.5 1/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 59.7339 1194.6791 200000.0000 1.0000 20.0000 322.1590 573.5 7/0/2
Btc-Volga 59.9751 5000.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 83.3679 5002.0759 10000000.0000 1.2 0/0/0
Ferma 60.1284 2000.0000 200000.0000 1.0000 33.2622 3326.2152 41690.4427 21.7 7/0/0
PayMarket 67.4865 50000.0000 500000.0000 1.0000 740.8889 7408.8892 412389.5774 244.7 0/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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Exchanger search

How do I change RNC bank RUB to Ripple? To choose a particular exchanger located in the table, consider the following points:

  1. The important columns are "RNC bank" and "Ripple". In them you will see the most important current exchange rate. It can change depending on the selected site. Find an advantageous offer and move on to the next item in the table.
  2. Column "Reserve" contains all the information about how many Ripple are currently in the exchanger.
  3. "Comments" will help you find out what other users think of the site, if they have any complaints. To learn more, go to the site you are interested in, read all reviews in detail, draw your own conclusions.
  4. The icon next to the name of the exchanger will give you an idea of the mode of transactions. Its presence will tell you that the site is working in manual mode. No – in automatic. The latter is considered faster, but sometimes the time difference is very minimal.

The search shouldn't take too long. Use the instructions, select the exchanger that suits your needs. As soon as you choose an exchanger that suits all points, go to the site itself and start performing the operations you need.

Important tips

In order not to wait too long for the transfer of money in manual mode, read the information on the exchange website, see what the operators have working hours. This saves you unnecessary expectations.

There are also exchanges that transfer RNC bank RUB to Ripple, and this is registered as a procedure for entering finance.

Please note whether you need to register in exchanger. Often, those who have registered are given bonuses and discounts, which can increase over time. It will be beneficial for you. We recommend that you go to exchanger under your login to use all the features of the exchanger.

Some exchanges charge a minimum commission – keep this in mind.

Carefully read everything in the table so as not to be mistaken when choosing an exchanger. The description of the table gives you comprehensive information on how you can quickly select an exchanger.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.