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Exchange rates of Rosselkhozbank to Binance Coin BEP20

To find and select a suitable exchanger for transferring from Rosselkhozbank to Binance Coin BEP20, you can go to the table and see all the options of exchangers. Those that are currently considered the most profitable are located as close to the top as possible. Information about the table.

Rates updated: today at 02:23 am

Exchanger Rosselkhozbank Binance Coin BEP20 Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
GramBit 53426.2699 46056.0000 20000000.0000 1.0000 0.8620 374.3477 3253.0927 2/0/0
365 Cash 53484.9400 10000.0000 45575.0000 1.0000 0.1870 0.8521 2.7883 1792.3 429/4/2
Coindrop 54404.9900 50000.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 0.9190 5.5142 100.0000 0/0/0
Fast Change 56373.6345 1.0000 7004.4370 1435.3 10/0/0
Coinstart 61484.7952 1000.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 0.0163 4.8793 1150.9871 2.1 0/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 62232.5820 2000.0000 200000.0000 1.0000 0.0321 3.2138 959.7790 573.5 7/0/2
Crypto-Store 62266.5006 1500.0000 300000.0000 1.0000 0.0241 4.8180 1414.4098 17.5 1/0/0
Ferma 62607.4771 2000.0000 200000.0000 1.0000 0.0319 3.1945 9953.4355 21.7 7/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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How to choose an exchanger with a favorable rate

If you have Rosselkhozbank RUB and want to exchange it to Binance Coin BEP20, the table will help you choose the best rate to date. Use our tips on how to find a suitable exchanger:

  1. The important columns are "Rosselkhozbank" and "Binance Coin BEP20". In them you will see the most important current exchange rate. It can change depending on the selected site. Find an advantageous offer and move on to the next item in the table.
  2. Column "Reserve" contains all the information about how many Binance Coin BEP20 are currently in the exchanger.
  3. "Comments" will help you find out what other users think of the site, if they have any complaints. To learn more, go to the site you are interested in, read all reviews in detail, draw your own conclusions.
  4. Modes – automatic and manual. Automatic withdrawals are almost instantaneous. Manual may delay your time a little, but not significantly. In order not to get confused in the modes, pay attention to the presence of the icon. It is located immediately after the name of the exchanger. If the icon is not found, then the site is using automatic mode.

The selected item must match the parameters that you consider acceptable. Based on the instructions for using the table, find an exchange site that would completely suit you.


The nuances of the manual mode. If you liked the exchanger that makes withdrawals manually, then be sure to find out how the operators work, their working hours. And then you don't have to wait too long for the transaction to complete.

There are also exchanges that transfer Rosselkhozbank RUB to Binance Coin BEP20, and this is registered as a procedure for entering finance.

Please register. This is not necessary, but it can bring you additional benefits if you plan to use the exchanger more than once. When registering, the site remembers you, and over time, a decent discount can accumulate. With each subsequent exchange, you will receive more funds.

It is common practice to withhold a commission when transferring one currency to another. Many exchangers charge a small percentage for the provision of the service.

In the table you will find all the information you need to help you navigate the exchangers, figure out which one is most suitable. The table makes it possible to save time and quickly find exchangers.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.