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Exchange rates of Stellar to Litecoin

Where can you profitably exchange Stellar for Litecoin? Take a look at the table and see all the current offers from exchangers. To select the most profitable option, pay attention to the lines of the table that are at the top. Decoding data values in table columns.

Rates updated: today at 12:43 am

Exchanger Stellar Litecoin Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
A-Exchange Com 662.7599 1000.0000 1500000.0000 1.0000 1.5088 2263.2631 13579.4499 3102.5 2/1/0
E-scrooge 663.7042 84487.8563 2111932.4180 1.0000 127.2975 3182.0387 3450.7000 0.4 0/0/2
EasyBit 664.6277 317.2100 63658343.0000 1.0000-0.0001 0.4773 95546.0000 6/0/0
WayBit 666.0750 139.8758 79029.8044 1.0000 0.2100 118.6500 3051.4300 0/0/0
111obmen 666.0750 920.0000 1850000.0000 1.0000-0.001 1.3812 2777.4650 59603.8500 0/0/0
365 Cash 667.2100 53117.6626 1062610.6943 1.0000 79.6116 1592.6181 3981.5257 1792.3 429/4/2
Bankcomat 668.8507 482.6600 51528940.9700 1.0000 0.7216 7013.1697 26/0/0
BitcoinObmennik 669.9365 669.9366 66993.6531 1.0000 1.0000 100.0000 1416.8900 0/0/0
LetsExchange 674.0345 1100.0000 6357202.6500 1.0000-0.0001 1.6320 9431.5686 619099.7535 0/0/0
Coinstart 676.4648 84.7339 200000.0000 1.0000 0.1253 295.6547 28309.2729 2.1 0/0/0
CoinShop24 676.5512 1225.9194 1.0000 1.8120 118311.9460 73.7 0/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 677.5188 54.2015 100000.0000 1.0000 0.0800 147.5974 155.8336 568.9 7/0/2
YoChange 683.5259 828.4023 1.0000 1.2120 33748.0971 119.0 1/0/0
Coinguru 688.8643 10000.0000 4000000.0000 1.0000 14.5166 5806.6589 29087.0920 0/0/0
Ferma 690.6678 34.5333 200000.0000 1.0000 0.0500 289.5748 5413.9367 21.8 7/0/0
4ange 697.1993 500.0000 70000000.0000 1.0000 0.7172 1444.7254 393.6 0/0/0
Zombie Cash 702.1940 2220.0000 55400.0000 1.0000-0.001 3.1615 78.8956 3072.4400 289.9 0/0/0
MChange 712.1844 358.7000 63837868.8900 1.0000 0.5037 21906.8498 342.8 7/0/0
BitFondo 712.7058 357.3200 63834780.0600 1.0000 0.5014 1282.5441 0/0/0
ProstoCash 719.9363 1550.6400 7038239246.5000 1.0000 2.1539 123298.0724 142.5 0/0/0
Nice Change 736.4769 2112.8800 10564417.1800 1.0000 2.8689 14344.5330 63266.1799 769.2 1/0/0
Crypto-Store 736.7124 50.0000 170000.0000 1.0000 0.0679 230.7549 7978.5545 17.5 1/0/0
XChange 779.7991 1000.0000 4000000.0000 1.0000 1.2824 5129.5263 117432.1194 3271.7 32/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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Choosing exchanger: instruction

Where is the best place to trade Stellar to Litecoin? There are many exchangers. The table will tell you which one to choose:

  1. The important columns are "Stellar" and "Litecoin". In them you will see the most important current exchange rate. It can change depending on the selected site. Find an advantageous offer and move on to the next item in the table.
  2. Column "Reserve" contains all the information about how many Litecoin are currently in the exchanger.
  3. "Comments" will help you find out what other users think of the site, if they have any complaints. To learn more, go to the site you are interested in, read all reviews in detail, draw your own conclusions.
  4. The icon next to the name of the exchanger will give you an idea of the mode of transactions. Its presence will tell you that the site is working in manual mode. No – in automatic. The latter is considered faster, but sometimes the time difference is very minimal.

The selected item must match the parameters that you consider acceptable. Based on the instructions for using the table, find an exchange site that would completely suit you.

Important tips

In order not to wait too long for the transfer of money in manual mode, read the information on the exchange website, see what the operators have working hours. This saves you unnecessary expectations.

For a more profitable use of the exchanger, register on it and get all the bonuses, discounts, participate in the loyalty program. Further, the site will recognize you as a regular user, the percentage of discounts will grow.

Remember the commission that is charged for the transfer – you must have enough funds in your wallet.

In the table you will find all the information you need to help you navigate the exchangers, figure out which one is most suitable. The table makes it possible to save time and quickly find exchangers.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.