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Exchange rates of Toncoin to PUMB

The table contains important information regarding the conversion rate of Toncoin to PUMB. There you will find all the exchangers that are currently operating. The best deals are at the top. Information about the table.

Rates updated: today at 05:30 pm

Exchanger Toncoin PUMB Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
PocketBank 1.0000 22.5500 902.0700 220.4293 4970.6807 198842.6587 966648451 0/0/0
Obmen Money 1.0000 45.9535 1956.4393 219.7870 10099.9819 429999.9244 122345655 2/0/0
Coinstart 1.0000 9.4163 10000.0000 212.3972 1999.9958 2123972.0000 8134631 2.1 0/0/0
Receive-Money 1.0000 19.4610 664.5219 210.6777 4099.9987 139999.9455 10000000 1616.3 8/2/1
Bit-Exchanger 1.0000 61.7300 207.0250 12779.6532 3603327 712.1 3/1/0
BitcoinObmennik 1.0000 2.7122 2465.6446 202.7867 549.9981 499999.9318 899902348 0/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 1.0000 2.6080 10000.0000 191.7175 499.9992 1917175.0000 97573597 568.8 7/0/2

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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How to choose an exchanger with a favorable rate

Swapping Toncoin for PUMB UAH is easy on its own. The main thing is to find a suitable site with a rate that suits you perfectly. Here are some tips to help you navigate the table:

  1. "Toncoin" and "PUMB" – columns, which spelled exchange rates from different sites. Find the profitable one and see the following lines – there is equally important information.
  2. "Reserve" – a column letting you know how many PUMB UAH there are in the exchanger.
  3. "Comments" – clients and one-time users can write their opinion about the exchanger. This is a real site assessment that you can rely on. If there are too many claims, it is hardly worth trusting this site.
  4. There are two exchange modes – normal manual and fast automatic; you can determine the mode by the icon – if it is, then the exchange is manual; if there is no icon, it means automatic. Keep in mind that the procedure in automatic mode is much faster than in manual mode. Although for many it is not important.

Here, you have chosen a site that suits you in all respects. Now click on its name, go to it and complete the translation. If you still haven't found a decent exchanger, try again using the instructions described above – and you will definitely find.

What to look for when choosing an exchanger

There may be a delay in manual mode – find out what hours the operator is working to get your money on time.

Be aware that some of the points translate the transfer of Toncoin to PUMB UAH as a withdrawal.

Go through a quick registration on the exchanger you like in order to subsequently enjoy all its advantages and bonuses. Next you will enter the site already under his nickname, and you will accumulate discounts, which is very beneficial.

Some sites deduct a small percentage of the commission when withdrawing. It is worth remembering this when submitting an application in order to have a stock of funds on the wallet for the correct transfer of funds with a fee retention.

The description of the table gives you comprehensive information on how to use it, how to find profitable exchangers and withdraw funds with almost no losses.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.