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Exchange rates of USD Coin ERC-20 to Ravencoin

To find and select a suitable exchanger for transferring from USD Coin ERC-20 to Ravencoin, you can go to the table and see all the options of exchangers. Those that are currently considered the most profitable are located as close to the top as possible. Read the table description.

Rates updated: today at 01:48 am

Exchanger USD Coin ERC-20 Ravencoin Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
EasyBit 1.0000 62.5000 5998999.0000 61.6550-0.1 3853.4375 369868283.3450 369868462.9895 6/0/0
LetsExchange 1.0000 110.0000 8016987.1874 61.3768-249.3461 6751.4480 492057019.2036 519000649.9611 0/0/0
Pocket-Exchange 1.0000 3.8765 100000.0000 61.1371 236.9980 40634.1004 569.1 7/0/2
Coinstart 1.0000 5.5343 100000.0000 61.1353 338.3411 4592807.7361 2.1 0/0/0
Ferma 1.0000 3.4591 100000.0000 59.2638 204.9994 539761.2132 21.8 7/0/0
YChanger 1.0000 34.1300 113821171.5800 58.5946 1999.8337 68583977.4797 403.7 1/0/0
BitFondo 1.0000 53.8500 5667085.3200 58.0123 3123.9624 1843136.5082 0/0/0
MChange 1.0000 53.8500 5667359.5400 57.9787 3122.1530 17147260.9006 342.8 7/0/0
Cryptostrike 1.0000 11.0800 5667412.5300 56.8056 629.4060 18681373.3333 26.7 1/0/0
24Paybank 1.0000 221.0000 5531649.0000 56.7436 12540.3356 38587979.1293 542.0 28/0/2
Crypto-Store 1.0000 5.0000 20600.0000 56.0747 280.3735 1155138.8200 20423879.1256 17.5 1/0/0
4ange 1.0000 40.0000 10000.0000 55.5428 2221.7120 555428.0000 2500000.0000 394.1 0/0/0
Nice Change 1.0000 200.0200 1000090.4700 55.5107 11103.2502 20250000.0000 772.5 1/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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How to choose an exchanger with a favorable rate

How do I change USD Coin ERC-20 to Ravencoin? To choose a particular exchanger located in the table, consider the following points:

  1. Columns "USD Coin ERC-20" and "Ravencoin" show the current exchange rate; as soon as everything suits you, move on – to a new point, that is, to another line.
  2. Column "Reserve" will show if there is Ravencoin available in order to successfully make the exchange in the amount that you need.
  3. Item "Comments" is no less important: it will reveal the truth about the exchanger; users express their opinion on the exchange, make claims, report problems or, conversely, praise.
  4. The icon next to the name of the exchanger will give you an idea of the mode of transactions. Its presence will tell you that the site is working in manual mode. No – in automatic. The latter is considered faster, but sometimes the time difference is very minimal.

The selected item must match the parameters that you consider acceptable. Based on the instructions for using the table, find an exchange site that would completely suit you.


In order not to wait too long for the transfer of money in manual mode, read the information on the exchange website, see what the operators have working hours. This saves you unnecessary expectations.

Go through a quick registration on the exchanger you like in order to subsequently enjoy all its advantages and bonuses. Next you will enter the site already under his nickname, and you will accumulate discounts, which is very beneficial.

The transfer fee. Many exchangers charge additional funds for the procedure, pay attention to this.

Carefully read everything in the table so as not to be mistaken when choosing an exchanger. The description of the table gives you comprehensive information on how you can quickly select an exchanger.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.