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Exchange rates of Advanced Cash (Volet) to Monobank

To choose the most profitable and suitable exchanger with a good rate, use the convenient table, which contains all the current offers. With its help, you will decide on the exchangers and you can transfer from Advanced Cash (Volet) to Monobank without any problems. Decoding data values in table columns.

Advanced Cash payment system introduced a commission of 1% on all transfers to the accounts of exchangers, be careful, consider this when exchanging!

Rates updated: today at 10:18 am

Exchanger Advanced Cash (Volet) Monobank Reserve TS Comments
rate min. max. rate min. max.
CoinFusion 1.0000 96.9775 609.3172 41.2467 4000.0018 25132.3238 25132 2689.9 0/0/0
Cryptofiat Finance 1.0000 121.3083 1213.0829 41.2173 5000.0006 50000.0018 212293822 72.8 1/0/0
Receive-Money 1.0000 60.6971 10000.0000 41.1881 2499.9982 411881.0000 1000000 1659.6 8/2/1
Eliteobmen 1.0000 61.1445 10000.0000 40.8866 2499.9907 408866.0000 1000000 860.9 3/2/0
HotExchange 1.0000 250.0000 19907.9033 40.4860 10121.5000 805991.3730 805991 1112.5 0/1/0
BestObmen 1.0000 173.7421 2482.0053 40.2896 6999.9997 99999.0007 110000 109.5 3/0/0
Paspar 1.0000 24.8300 7449.1200 40.2732 999.9836 299999.8996 846202 214.9 6/0/0
BitcoinObmennik 1.0000 13.6800 12433.8700 40.2127 550.1097 499999.4841 894231624 0/0/0
Турбина 1.0000 248.7572 13122.4170 40.1998 9999.9897 527518.5389 24200000 174.4 0/0/1
KZ007 1.0000 256.9370 9560.4477 40.1654 10319.9774 383999.2060 13962193 232.5 0/0/0
LEOexchanger 1.0000 52.6039 644.3977 38.0200 2000.0003 24500.0006 200000 998.3 2/1/1
Obmen-bro 1.0000 53.3333 1637.5094 37.5000 1999.9987 61406.6025 61406 0/0/0
Bitcash 1.0000 100.0000 750.0000 36.6200 3662.0000 27465.0000 282376 1/0/0
Grumbot 1.0000 14.2900 79707.5700 35.0000 500.1500 2789764.9500 2789765 82.3 2/0/0
Obmenu 1.0000 100.0000 31.6211 3162.1100 1247633 16.9 1/0/0

Additional fees of exchangers already included in the exchange rates.

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How to choose an exchanger

Swapping Advanced Cash (Volet) USD for Monobank UAH is easy on its own. The main thing is to find a suitable site with a rate that suits you perfectly. Here are some tips to help you navigate the table:

  1. Columns "Advanced Cash (Volet)" and "Monobank" show the current exchange rate; as soon as everything suits you, move on – to a new point, that is, to another line.
  2. Column "Reserve" will show if there is Monobank UAH available in order to successfully make the exchange in the amount that you need.
  3. Item "Comments" is no less important: it will reveal the truth about the exchanger; users express their opinion on the exchange, make claims, report problems or, conversely, praise.
  4. There are two exchange modes – normal manual and fast automatic; you can determine the mode by the icon – if it is, then the exchange is manual; if there is no icon, it means automatic. Keep in mind that the procedure in automatic mode is much faster than in manual mode. Although for many it is not important.

The search shouldn't take too long. Use the instructions, select the exchanger that suits your needs. As soon as you choose an exchanger that suits all points, go to the site itself and start performing the operations you need.

Some more tips:

There may be a delay in manual mode – find out what hours the operator is working to get your money on time.

Remember that there are points where operation Advanced Cash (Volet) USD – Monobank UAH will be considered a simple withdrawal procedure in the system.

Please register. This is not necessary, but it can bring you additional benefits if you plan to use the exchanger more than once. When registering, the site remembers you, and over time, a decent discount can accumulate. With each subsequent exchange, you will receive more funds.

It is common practice to withhold a commission when transferring one currency to another. Many exchangers charge a small percentage for the provision of the service.

Read more about the description of the table, learn how to correctly understand the information written there. This will make it possible to effectively search and find exchange sites, the parameters of which suit you.

On a note

  1. Always try to split large sums on as many as possible small.
  2. If you need to exchange a large sum then use the recommended exchangers (with green background in table).
  3. If the exchange was not made on time then, it is recommended to write a claim.