Yesterday, the monitoring was 6 years old, so whole month will be given gift bonus, the amount of bonuses is limited.
Today has been carried out to optimize pages, their volume decreased, and with it, increased their download speeds.
Have been added new directions of the exchange with Advanced Cash, NETELLER and MoneyPolo. Also was added a new exchanger
Page and the principle of granting a daily bonus was changed, now the account from which the bonus is issued is determined randomly.
The site is fully restored the work and most of the data, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Yesterday been added such exchangers:, and
Added exchangers forum of MMGP for perfect money and webmoney.
Recently was added 4 new exchangers.
Added exchangers:, 24обмен.com and
Sites which in blacklist and not available were switched off, but all of them can be found via search.